Youth Programs

Confidence, Balance, Agility, Endurance, Friends, and Most of All, Fun!
If you are looking for a fun and energetic winter sport for your child/children to fall in love with, look no further! Menihek Nordic has a full complement of youth programs including Jack Rabbits, Track Attack, Race Team, and JRS Ski School, led by a programs manager and coaches throughout the season.
Sessions run every Sunday for a period of 20 weeks starting in November and are from 2-4 pm. During our season we immerse your children not only in the bliss of cross-country skiing, but also have a Christmas party, kids fest, racing rocks, themed days, and an end of the year event. Lots of great photo opportunities for your family, so sign up today and join in on the fun!
In the event of a cancellation, all guardians of participants will be informed via e-mail and Facebook no later than 11:00 am on that Saturday.